The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, organized Open Door Week for the period 15.05-19.05, 2023. High school pupils and prospective students had an opportunity to see why the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo, where many students in various areas of electrical engineering and computer science have been educated, is the best ranking faculty at the national level, and why this institution, with its 62 years of tradition, had generated thousands of engineers who have continued their professional and academic careers in prestigious global companies and at the world's best universities. All participants were able to receive some basic information about the study programs, the enrollment requirements and the equipment used in different laboratories. 


Our AeroSTREAM project was presented in the Laboratory for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems,  where all prospective students were able to learn the basic information about the purpose of the project, the institutions involved, and hear about different applications where unmanned aerial vehicles can be utilized. 

Author: AeroSTREAM
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