University of Zagreb - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

University of Seville

University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies

Technological Corporation of Andalusia

Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla

University of Twente

Protostar Labs

​University of Zagreb - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

University of Zagreb - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG FER) is the largest technical faculty and leading educational and R&D institution in the fields of electrical engineering, information and communication technology and computing in the Republic of Croatia. UNIZG FER is organised in 12 departments which represent the focal points of education, research, and development in various fields. Researchers of the Faculty are currently leaders of 17 FP7 projects, 8 IPA (Instrument for Pre‐Accession Assistance), 4 Structural funds (ERDF), 17 multilateral COST actions, 10 bilateral projects, 4 Horizon 2020 projects, 1 LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) project, 1 PROGRESS project, 3 Newfelpro‐ programme of mobility, 2 Air Force Office of Scientific Research projects and 2 NATO Science for Peace Program projects, as well as the leaders of a number of industrial projects.

In the last 20 years the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems - LARICS research group has been involved in research on integrated robotics and process control. LARICS researchers (4 professors, 2 post‐docs and 6 PhD students) have mainly participated in research devoted to the unmanned aerial systems, intelligent control systems, service robotics, control of multi‐agent systems, robot formations, planning, scheduling and decision making in autonomous systems and application of new technologies in industrial control systems. LARICS is equipped with state-of-the-art electronics design software, aerial robotics systems, humanoid and bioinspired robots, ground mobile platforms, sets of various sensors, actuators, and signal processing boards.

Particular emphasis has been given to collaboration with industry, which resulted in many successful implementations of novel control algorithms and human‐machine‐interfaces in industrial plants. LARICS researchers were involved in 4 EU FP7 projects, 2 on‐going (EuRoC, ASSISI_bf) and 2 successfully finished (ACROSS, EC‐SAFEMOBIL), as well as 2 H2020 projects, subCULTron, where they are WP leaders, and RoboCom++. They participate in several national projects financed by the government and industrial partners, and two collaborative projects with scientists from the USA and PR China.